Panel ekspertów w ramach Globalnego Tygodnia ONZ dot. bezpieczeństwa drogowego

Dodano: 10 maja, 2021

 Ideas in Action!
Join the World Bank & GRSF in our activities for the UN Global Road Safety Week 2021


Speed is one of the main risk factors in road crashes and is a leading contributor to death and serious injury. Higher speeds are associated with a significantly higher crash risk: even small increases in speed significantly increase the probability of death or injury. Traffic crashes are now a leading cause of death worldwide, and the number one cause of death and serious injury for young people aged 5 to 29.

In a bid to help address the collective impact of speed as a contributor to crash risks, the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) will celebrate the 6th UN Global Road Safety Week (UNRSW) by hosting the following activities 👇


Streets for life: Saving lives on the road through safe speeds


📅  WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 |  9:00 – 10:30 AM (EST) 

Following this year’s theme of the UNRSW “Streets for life: #Love30”this high-level panel will be focused on communications strategies for speed management initiatives in low-and middle-income countries, promoting key knowledge products and a new Speed Management Hub that advocates and calls for action on low-speed streets worldwide, limiting speeds to 30 km/h (20 mph) where people walk, live and play.

For GRSF, this activity will mark an important milestone in the roadmap towards establishing the Second Decade of Action in Road Safety 2030. This interactive event will provide information and technical sessions on evidence-based road safety knowledge to help manage speeds through infrastructure interventions, effective enforcement, targeted awareness measures, and vehicle technology.



Opening Remarks
Pablo Fajnzylber, Acting Vice President and Director of Strategy and Operations, Infrastructure, World Bank

Technical Presentation
Presenters: Soames Job, Head of GRSF and World Bank Road Safety Lead; and Alina Burlacu, Senior Transport Specialist and Program Manager, World Bank GRSF

High Level Panel:

Mamta Murthi, Vice President, Human Development, World Bank

Jean Todt, UN Special Envoy for Road Safety, FIA president

Hartwig Schafer, Vice President, South Asia Region, World Bank

Etienne Krug, Director, Department of the Social Determinants of Health, WHO

Susanna Zammataro, Director General, International Road Federation

Moderator: Binyam Reja, Practice Manager and Acting Global Transport Director, World Bank




Empowering Communities to Manage Speed


📅  THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2021 | 9:00 – 10:30 AM (EST) 

Together with the World Resources Institute (WRI), this event will mark the official launch of a new Low Speed Zone Guide, which helps empower communities and decision-makers to plan, design and implement effective interventions. A pre-launch of an upcoming Global Speed Management Guide for policy makers is also planned.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered urban landscapes around the world, cities are facing new challenges and there is increased urgency for improved road safety. Many cities are now tasked with protecting more vulnerable users in addition to creating safe public spaces that will enable economic recovery and allow residents to enjoy the outdoors. At the same time, walking and cycling are among the most sustainable ways to get around cities – but not if they are extremely dangerous. Low-speed zones are therefore not only key to improving safety by reducing fatalities and injuries, but also reap a variety of other benefits, ranging from better air quality, to economic recovery to long-term sustainability.



Opening Remarks

Ani Dasgupta, Global Director, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Pablo Fajnzylber, Acting Vice President and Director of Strategy and Operations, Infrastructure, World Bank
Marcela Silva, Transport Practice Manager, Africa Region, World Bank

Technical Presentations

Anna Bray Sharpin, Principal Advisor of Infrastructure, Speed and Urban Mobility, New Zealand Transportation Authority

Blair Turner, Senior Transport Specialist, Global Road Safety Facility, World Bank
Panel Discussion:

Claudia Adriazola-Steil, Acting Director, Urban Mobility, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

Soames Job, Global Lead for Road Safety, World Bank, and Head, Global Road Safety Facility

Matthew Baldwin, EU Coordinator for Road Safety and Sustainable Urban Mobility

Kelly Larson, Program Director, Bloomberg Philanthropies




Follow the conversation using #Love30 #StreetsforLife and share the event with your contacts on social media 👇